Twins, triplets and multiples
Pregnant with twins
If you're pregnant with twins, a healthy lifestyle and diet will help you manage your pregnancy and give your babies the best start in life.
Giving birth to twins
Twins are more likely to be born early, often before 38 weeks, so it's important to understand your birth options, complications and special care.
Raising and feeding twins
Find out more on how to get your twins to sleep, feeding your twins, preparing for preschool, twin bonds and dealing with sibling rivalry.
Multiple pregnancy (triplets or more)
Learning you're pregnant with triplets or more can be a shock, but overall, most parents find having multiple babies to be a positive experience.
Types of multiple pregnancy
Multiple pregnancies, including twins, triplets and more, are rare but require lots of support. Find out about different types of multiple pregnancy h...
Multiple birth - triplets or more
If you are pregnant with triplets or more, the birth will need careful planning. The main risk is that your babies will be born prematurely. Find out ...
Feeding multiple babies
Feeding multiple babies, such as triplets or more, can be challenging at first, but even breastfeeding is possible with some expert help.
Raising multiple babies
Raising multiple babies - triplets or more - involves planning, hard work, and well designed routines. But with support, raising multiples does get ea...