How much food at 6 to 12 months? - text version
1-minute read
When they are showing signs they are ready, usually at around 6 months, you can start to introduce solid foods.
Their main source of food will still be breast milk or formula.
Start once a day with iron-rich baby cereal or pureed meat or tofu.
Texture is important. As your baby begins to take food from a spoon, move to thicker textures and soft lumps.
Allergy foods
You should start introducing common allergy foods from around 6 months. Try one type of food at a time, then wait a couple of days before trying another. Common allergy foods include cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, wheat and seafood.
Remember: don’t give your baby whole nuts as they are a choking hazard.
Daily needs - How much?
There is no exact amount to how much your baby should eat each day. Try different foods and let them guide you to when they are full.
By 8 to 9 months, you can give solids at breakfast, lunch and dinner. As your baby gets older, move to thicker textures and soft lumps.